The One to One Parents as Partners Program is offering FREE literacy training for parents and guardians of 2nd & 3rd grade students in Covington and Southgate.
Trainings for families in Covington will be held at Ninth District Elementary School on February 23, March 23, April 27, and May 8.
Covington Families
Trainings for families in Southgate will be held at Southgate Public School on February 15, March 15, April 19, and May 10.
Southgate Families
Trainings for families in Erlanger-Elsmere will be held at Lindeman Elementary School on February 7, March 7, and April 11, and May 2 and Howell Elementary School on February 16, March 16, April 20, and May 11.
Erlanger-Elsmere Families
>>Click Here to Register at Lindeman Elementary School<<
>>Click Here to Register at Howell Elementary School<<
The One to One Parents as Partners Program provides families with resources to assist their children in discovering their super reading powers! This FREE program offers four training sessions for parents and guardians of 2nd & 3rd graders.
Each family will receive:
~ 8 free books ~
~ Effective reading strategies ~
~ Detailed reading guides ~
~ Dinner and childcare provided free of charge ~
NKYEC and One to One:Practicing Reading and Math
would like to thank the following sponsors & partners:

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