
NKYEC Action Teams
Education, business, and community leaders work together to accoplish specific goals and objectives, focusing on student success and wellbeing in Northern Kentucky.
One to One: Practicing Reading and Math with Students
One to One is a collaborative effort in Northern Kentucky to improve student achievement in reading and math. Research shows that if a child is not proficient in reading and math by the third grade, chances of future academic success are significantly diminished. One to One pairs struggling students in grades 1-3 with trained volunteers to practice reading and math ina structured format. One to One partners with more than 3o elementary schools in Northern Kentucky.

Resilient and Ready by Design
The Resilient and Ready by Design Initiative includes the Resiliency Poll and the Resilient and Ready by Design Teacher Leader Institute. The Poll, developed by Terrace Metrics, assesses student hope, engagement and well-being. Annually, nearly 30,000 youth complete the Poll. The Institute, funded by a $200,000 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, deepens teacher knowledge of social-emotional learning strategies and trauma informed classroom practices that can boost well-being and academic achievement.
NKY Drug Free Clubs of America
The NKY DFCA is empowering parents, educators and communities to build drug-free youth. We provide students with effective prevention tools to keep the on the right track. Businesses may engage by providing incentives, offering priority interviews, contributing to the Fund and engaging in the Campaign.